Friday, December 31, 2010


Today I got my much needed relaxer. And I have mixed emotions about it. My scalp is a bit sore but my hair dresser put a much needed treatment on my hair and its very soft. It's still a bit wet because I can never sit under the dryer for very long. Pictures will be posted tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Black Hair Media 2011 Challenge

I actually signed up for a challenge! I'm so excited to learn from all of these different women and see every one's hair grow and be healthy! I never thought I would have such a warm welcome! I am too excited about this challenge and keeping up with my hair regimen and also learn about other ways I can accelerate my growth. My goals are as follows: BSL by June 2011 and WL by December 2011. I can and will grow my hair! Happy Growing!

PS. I will be taking a picture tomorrow! I will be getting my much needed perm and I do have a lot of new growth! I don't know how much MTG was helping but I know that its getting thick!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hair growth....

I have been using MTG for a whole week now. I could see new growth while it was in the french braids and especially after I washed it. I feel like I have a lot of new growth in the middle of my head more than anything. Here is a picture of my hair out of the braids :) Happy Growing!

Thanks Dolls

December 24th

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Order Is In!

I am an eBay junky and I am always finding deals on every thing! I ordered the new conditioner mask from Avon off of eBay and it came in last night :) I cannot wait to wash and condition my hair on Friday. My hair is coming along well. I don't know if I see any growth yet. I am wearing French braids and I wet my hair in the shower every morning as well as add the MTG oil in between each braid as well as inside of each braid. I do have a fair amount of new growth but I don't know if it’s because of being 13 weeks post relaxer. I guess I’ll know more in about 3 weeks! Happy Growing! Merry Christmas :)

Thanks Dolls

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hair Goal?

Do I have a hair goal? Yes and no! lol I want long strong healthy hair at any length I suppose. I am trying so many new things on my hair lately I feel like I am getting there slowly but surely. My hair goal would have to be bra strap length. I would love to be there by June 2011 but any growth would make me happy. I will be using MTG oil twice a day for the next 6 months and see how much growth I can retain. I am leaving my hair alone only washing it once a week as well as deep conditioning it. I will have 5-6 french braids in my hair at all times and not putting any heat on my hair while wearing wigs or half wigs. I will (hopefully) be getting a touch up next week sometime. I want to wait longer but I am afraid that my hair will start to break off if I wait too long. I am about 13 weeks post relaxer. It's not hard to manage and its thicker than ever! So I will be keeping up my relaxer every 13-14 weeks. In 6 months I will be making a trip to Las Vegas with my wonderful boyfriend and I want to look my best :) I will also be seeing family I haven't seen since I was about 9 yrs old so I have to look my best!
Well I'm done rambling...Happy Growing

Thanks Dolls

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I love makeup. I love all of the colors. I love how you can transform into another person. Here is a picture of some of the makeup that I have collected recently. Just a little fun with my makeup this last weekend. It was girls night out :)
E.L.F products

Day 2 of MTG

Last night I was extremely stressed so I took a bubble bath and released some tension. It was great. I allowed my hair to get completely wet (which didn't bother me). I have 5 french braids in my hair and the ends are bobby pinned up into the braids. I applied the MTG to my scalp and wrapped my silk scarf very tightly around my head. Yes, it does smell pretty bad but once I covered my hair I could no longer smell it.

I woke up this morning applied the MTG to my scalp and under my braids (I am using a an old doo grow bottle to apply). I then put on my shower cap took a shower and kept the shower cap on until I was ready to put my wig on. As soon as I covered my hair with the shower cap I could no longer smell the MTG. I am very excited for all of the new growth that is possible with this product.

I will be getting a perm next week on one of my off days (yay for vacation). I will post a picture of my hair as soon as I get it done.

Thanks Dolls

Monday, December 20, 2010


I am trying MTG oil for the a lot of growth, I want to see if I can get 3 inches in 3 weeks(like the bottle says). I will be happy to get an inch! I will be putting in the oil every morning and every evening. Its very thin so its easy to apply too much. I am wearing french braids under a wig I made. I might post a picture of it. Its a cute bob. And I will be washing my hair once a week and take the french braids out. I will shampoo with Motions CPR and Condition with Avon Advance Techniques intense repair mask, and Motions CPR conditioner (every other week). Wish me Luck!

Bellow are the products that I will be using. 

Thanks Dolls