Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 2 of MTG

Last night I was extremely stressed so I took a bubble bath and released some tension. It was great. I allowed my hair to get completely wet (which didn't bother me). I have 5 french braids in my hair and the ends are bobby pinned up into the braids. I applied the MTG to my scalp and wrapped my silk scarf very tightly around my head. Yes, it does smell pretty bad but once I covered my hair I could no longer smell it.

I woke up this morning applied the MTG to my scalp and under my braids (I am using a an old doo grow bottle to apply). I then put on my shower cap took a shower and kept the shower cap on until I was ready to put my wig on. As soon as I covered my hair with the shower cap I could no longer smell the MTG. I am very excited for all of the new growth that is possible with this product.

I will be getting a perm next week on one of my off days (yay for vacation). I will post a picture of my hair as soon as I get it done.

Thanks Dolls

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