Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Long time...

I haven't done much lately and I need to start having fun again. I want to try new things with my hair and treat it well at the same time. I have a new journey that I am about to begin. Very Happy.

My New Look

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Been gone for far too long....

I have not updated in a while. I have not had as much hair growth that I thought I would but I have had about 3 inches of growth since December. And I think that is pretty great! I had a sew-in installed on Saturday and will keep it for a month or so (or until I want to touch my hair again). I have lost 15lbs. since I started my journey. I have about 15lbs. more to go!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yes...I fell off...

I have not been working out like I should. I do feel a little bad about it. I will continue today and keep up on my work out journey. I always take care of my hair and now I need to ALWAYS take care of my body. I jumped on the scale this morning and saw 177. Man did that feel good. Level 2 continues today until the 18th and Level 3 will start on the 21st. I will work out 5 days a week and take two days off. Yay for weight loss!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hair Progress

I have been on my HHJ for about 2 months now. I have learned a few things about my hair during this time. I have been using Motions CPR shampoo and conditioner every week since I received my first relaxer (September 2010). I now believe that my hair is getting too much protein so I will only  use these products once a month. I do have several other shampoos and conditioners in my stash that I will be using until I find the best product for my hair. I am thinking about only shampooing my hair once a month and just co-wash weekly.

The next progress pictures that will be taken will be the week of the 19th. I believe that I have retained all of the length that I grew last month. But I am always researching ways to take better care of my long, strong, healthy hair.

Pounds and Inches...

I have been on my weight loss journey for a little while now and I have seen some pounds come off. I do not expect for me to lose all the weight in one month. I just thought it would be faster but it's okay. I have noticed that my clothes fit very different now. I am able to wear leggings under my pants and still need a belt! My stomach is getting flatter and flatter every day. This is my first time actually sticking to a routine and I love it. I will measure myself the week of the 19th. I want to be down to 170 by then and will.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

30 Day Shred Level 2 Day 2

I made it to day 2 on Wednesday. It was very hard and I still had to stop a few times. I felt like I ran a marathon, I was soaked!! I haven't lost any weight but I think I need to make sure I am eating more. I feel like my body is getting tighter. None of my measurements have changed as of yet. My clothes fit a bit better. I guess it takes more time. My goal is to lose 10 lbs by Feb 19 and I am on my way. I need to look good for when my family comes in town!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

30 Day Shred Level 2

I begin Level 2 today and I am very excited. I did have a rest day yesterday and I think I will have a rest day in between each level. I have not seen much weight loss yet but I know within the next few weeks the pounds will be falling off! My goal is to lose 10 lbs. before February 19th. I know I can do it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

30 Day Shred

I started the 30 Day Shred on Thursday and will go to February 12th. I have worked out consecutively for 3 days and today will be my 4th day. I forgot how hard and sweaty I get from it. But I feel like I have really accomplished something when I do and that feels great.

My goals for this week:
30 Day Shred everyday
Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily

I can't wait to come back and tell all of my weight loss stories!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Working Out

I went to the gym on Monday and Tuesday. I had a rest day Wednesday and I will continue to work out on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I do feel good after I work out but I don't think I am doing enough to lose this weight! So I am adding on top of my gym routine I am going to do 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. I have tried it before and it gets you sweating like a dog. But I have never been consistent. That will change.
New Goal:
From today January 13 to February 11th I will be doing this video every day. I want to see some weight loss like yesterday. I have gained 2lbs and I can't have that. I also need to work on my portions more. I know this wouldn't be easy but I wish it was.

I want to do this for me and no one else. I want to feel good about my body again. I want to pick out any outfit and not worry if will fit.

My dream size would have to 6-8. I think that would be great for my frame.
I want to lose the 23 lbs by March 1st.
Then I want to re-evaluate what I want my body to look like. My main goal is to work on my stomach. I want it to be flat and strong.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Growth

I already have new growth! yay!! MTG is gold for my hair. The only thing is I don't know how to soften it until I get another perm (which will not be for another 12 weeks).  I just don't know what to use on my roots to soften them and how often to put whatever product on my roots... Questions, questions... will research and find out soon....

Day1 overview

Wow it was a great work out! I burned 150 calories in about 30 minutes! I tried a new elliptical trainer that kicked my butt! I burned 50 calories in 5 minutes on that machine! My plan is to master that machine and be able to do 20-30 minutes on it non-stop. I can't wait to go back to the gym today!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 1

I start my serious work out regimen today. I will be going on the treadmill for about 20 minutes and the bike another 20 minutes. I will also do an ab work out and an upper body work out.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Cardio, Abs, Upper Body
Tuesday, Thursday- Cardio, Abs, Lower Body
Saturday(bonus day)- Cardio (swimming from 30-45 minutes)

This regimen is for Week 1 to Week 3

I will update on my weight loss after week 3.

This is my year, I can feel it. Go me!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Update/ Cinnamon dye

I tired to dye my hair naturally by using cinnamon and conditioner. I do see a slight difference in the color of my hair. BUT  it was a pain to get out! Here are the before and after photos.



 I believe these pictures show more growth than the dye job. I will apply the cinnamon next week for my second application.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Count Down

I am 21 lbs away from my first weight loss goal. I am taking baby steps because everything else I have tried has not worked. I say this is my first goal because I don't know how much weight I want to lose as of yet. I like the idea of only having to lose 25 lbs over all because it doesn't seem as daunting.

My plan:

Eat 4-5 times a day
Eat raw fruit or veggies before every meal
Smaller portions (eating around 1200 calories per day)

Work Out:

Exercising 5 times a week (possibly twice a day)
Cardio 3 times a week
Weight training 2 times a week

I am still working on this plan to work for me and to stay motivated. Any suggestions would be extremely helpful.

Naturally Coloring Hair

I came across this really interesting recipe to color your hair naturally with cinnamon. I believe I will try it this weekend as I give myself a deep conditioner. Wish me luck!

STEP 1: Combine cinnamon powder and hair conditioner in a one to one mixture. The amount you will need depends on the length of your hair; however, you should have enough to evenly coat your locks from root to tip.

STEP 2: Wet your hair and wring out the excess water. Comb your hair carefully to release any tangles which may prevent even distribution of the cinnamon and conditioner.

STEP 3: Apply the cinnamon and conditioner mixture evenly to your hair, mixing an extra batch if necessary. While you can't use too much, if you use to little your lightening will end up uneven and streaky. You can comb through your hair periodically to help move the cinnamon and conditioner evenly throughout.

STEP 4: Gather your hair in a bun and secure it with a hair clip. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave the cinnamon and conditioner in your hair overnight. Rinse the mixture from your hair in the morning, shampooing as normal. If you would like to lighten your hair a bit more, apply the mixture again with no worry about damaging your hair.

I will be posting pictures sometime this weekend of the results!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Weight Loss

I started my weight loss journey this month and I am very excited to see some weight come off. I wan to be energetic, happy, in shape, and be able to wear anything I want. I know this wont happen in a month but I have faith that I will be able to lose this weight. 2011 is the year of Michelle and I am taking full advantage of it. My goal is to lose 20-25 lbs. I want to keep my curves but tone up and become more lean. I guess I will be posting picture of my after...(no one wants to see my before!) Next month I will start posting pictures of my progress!

Monday, January 3, 2011